Week 8 — Artist — Joseph DeLappe and Micol Hebron

Gabriel Luna
2 min readOct 19, 2020

Joseph DeLappe and Micol Hebron are both artists that have pushed what it means to create art that invokes much meaning and . DeLappe is expressive for his distaste in power politics and is shown in some of his work. Hebron is another artist who brings light to the modes of feminist activism in art. They both have met their own ways of dealing with negativity around their work but through all and all, they bounce back easily.

Hebron created a piece of art called “Acceptable Male Nipple Template”. This was a template that consisted of the visual image of a male nipple that could be photoshopped on to an image of a woman’s breast. What she did garnered a lot of attention and went viral that she ended up being suspended on Facebook because of it. It’s because of this that she is very much acknowledged as someone who wants to move forward with the roles of women. DeLappe on the other hand created art intervention pieces that explore contemporary issues in politics through new media installations and interactive gaming performances.

Both of these artists have a lot more in common despite their own interests being different between one another. They bring up and call out many ideas/beliefs that they feel need to be challenged as they understand that the world around them is changing and so are people. It’s because of this that many movements or organizations have been formed going against common beliefs that are outdated and both artists have become a part of those movements.

I feel that both of these artists are contributing to advancements whether it be the roles we play in society and/or how far technology can take us. These arts they create show the significance of what it means to portray and acknowledge the history that came before but also what lies ahead in the future.

