Wk 13 — Essay 2— Art

Gabriel Luna
3 min readNov 23, 2020

In the beginning of this semester, my interpretation of what art is was that it was subjective. What I mean is that if you were to ask the same question to different people, it would be a different answer that may or may not be similar. That being said, how I interpret art is that I find that if a topic, idea, invention, movie, picture, etc… can inspire a person and/or cause someone to look at it and appreciate it, if not, use it then it should be considered art.

After taking this class and doing many different types of art each week while also discussing artists that bring their own flair, I can say without a doubt that my idea of art is still the same. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing since I feel my idea stayed the same but it was rather expanded upon. I feel I can add more to my interpretation because art in a way is literally around us. Although we may see certain things not art because of its simplicity because of how we use it in our day to day lives.

My major is Film and Electronic Arts and my career goal is to hopefully create a movie that people can watch and appreciate for even if it may not be something they’re used to watching. I very much believe art can benefit into my future in the film industry. Despite unsure of whether I want to be a director or a cinematographer, I can say that art will have a big influence into it. There are many films that look beautiful and/or told beautifully and is created that way because of its influences from art whether it be from movies to television to paintings to literature to etc…

I’ve enjoyed interacting with other classmates on different types of art especially in today’s current situation. I feel many of these assignments we did each week will have an influence on a lot of the work whether it’s major or minor. Art is crucial to a person’s life and some of them may not even realize it. It’s something we all do at some point in our lives and it makes us appreciate the environment and the people around us.

Art does and will always matter no matter how far ahead the future goes. Art is within us and all around us in many different ways. What art means is different but it’s safe to say we all need some form of art. If this world were to exist without art, I feel it would be the most bland and awful experience any person should face. By taking art, you are taking away something that is crucial to each person’s life regardless of big or small the impact may be.

I would say that I’m in full of agreement with a great nation existing with great art. If there are forms of art that are unique in terms of how much conversation and ideas they bring up between a vast majority of people, I would say that it shows us what our nation is. How great it is may differ but to me, when it can create a positive effect on not just the idea but rather the people themselves, that’s what makes a great nation.

